(McConnell pushes the ‘bankruptcy route’ as local governments struggle. Source: Politico)
Senator Addison Mitchell McConnell Jr is an American politician. He has been serving as a U.S. Senator from Kentucky under the Republicans since 1985. He is also the incumbent Senate Minority Leader. He has also served as the Minority Leader from 2007 to 2015 and Majority leader from 2015 to 2021.
Senator Mitch McConnell was born in Tuscumbia, Alabama, on February 20, 1942. During his early childhood, young McConnell had polio. Yet, he overcame the disease after months of rehabilitation. Unfortunately, his family suffered financial constraints from the treatment. Finally, they moved to Alabama.
McConnell enrolled at the University of Louisville. There, he received a Bachelor’s degree in political science in 1964. After his B.A. degree, he interned with Senator John Cooper. He also graduated from the University of Louisville Law School in 1967.
Shortly after graduation from law school, Senator Mitch McConnell got enlisted in the U.S. Army Reserve. But, he was diagnosed with optic neuritis and discharged after five weeks at Fort Knox.
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Table of Contents
Senator Mitch McConnell Career

(Mitch McConnell’s complicated history on the Voting Rights Act. Source: Nbcnews)
McConnell started his political career in Washington. He worked as a legislative assistant to Senator Marlow Cook between 1968 and 1970. But, he left and worked for a Louisville law firm for a few years. He also taught political science at the University of Louisville.
In 1974, McConnell returned to Washington to serve as the Deputy Assistant Attorney General. In 1978, he was elected as the judge of Jefferson County. He served till 1985 when he ran for a seat in the U.S. Senate.
In 1984, McConnell won the election to the U.S. Senate and assumed office the following year. He was the first Republican to win an election in Kentucky since 1968. He won again in 1990, 1996, 2002, 2008, 2014, and 2020.
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Senator Mitch McConnell Accomplishments

(Senator Mitch McConnell was re-elected to 7th term in Kentucky. Source: Cbsnews)
McConnell’s administration fostered economic improvements, including opposing strict financial laws and tax reforms. He also worked on tax reductions bills, including Tax Cuts and Job Acts.
He also opposed Obamacare and made efforts to repeal the American Healthcare Reform Acts. However, such opposition may well be a source of criticism for Mitch McConnell.
Mitch McConnell’s administration is thought to have fostered national and border security. He also worked on foreign policies and trade agreements bills.
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Senator Mitch McConnell Criticisms
Senator McConnel was part of the Senators that supported a controversial letter to the Iranian government. The letter warned the Iranian government against signing a nuclear deal with the U.S. without congressional approval. But, the letter sparked outrage and criticism from Congress.
He was also part of the Senators that did not support Senator Rand Paul’s drone filibuster. The filibuster was made due to concerns on National security, with which Senator McConnel and other senators fell out with.
McConnell was criticized by Democrats for withholding votes on essential bills and acts.
His foreign policy view has included sanctions on countries and severing of bilateral ties. He also supported the authorization of the use of military action in Iraq.
Senator Mitch McConnell Net Worth

(What is Mitch McConnell’s Net Worth, and How Did He Make His Money?. Source: Cheatsheet)
According to Incomepedia, Senator Mitch McConnell net worth is estimated at about $30 million
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Final Thoughts
As one of the most important Republicans, McConnell’s legislative achievements are mind-blowing. He was praised for his consequential leadership qualities. He is one of the most influential people in the U.S.
Yet, many of his legislative rulings attracted criticism. In fact, he was criticized by a co-Senator for withholding votes on important bills. He was part of the Senators that supported a controversial letter to the Iranian government. He also passed bills to sever ties with some countries, including Cuba and Russia.
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- https://www.politico.com/news/2020/04/22/mitch-mcconnell-bankruptcy-route-201008
- https://www.nbcnews.com/news/nbcblk/mitch-mcconnell-s-complicated-history-voting-rights-act-n1234755
- https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/mitch-mcconnells-net-worth-how-did-he-make-his-money.html/
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UgHqJnD-jQ
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This so called Senator Mitch McConnell has used up his welcome in DC he is a useless pawn for the Democrat Party the Party that brings nothing but misery & pain! If you don’t Stand up to Fools then you are also a Fool! It’s time to STAND UP it’s now or NEVER! Don’t let the JACKASS Party Spend Trillions of Dollars we don’t have! Also tell that Idiot of a President Biden close our Southern Border & Build the WALL Finish the JOB!! Start IMPECHMENT of BIDEN & Investigate his son’s Computer!
Please do not NUKE the Senate Filibuster. If you do that, it could allow Congress to fast-track gun control to Biden’s desk. Please represent the people that elected you to your position!!!!
Please use your influence to pursue full investigation in supreme court nomination. The old adage that actions speak louder that words applies here. Calling the nominee to account for true judgements and statements is not mud slinging, it’s the facts pursuing justice. Please serve & protect the American public.
Senator McConnell, Why do you speak against Article 5 and the Convention Of States ? The Convention of States is the one tool that Conservative’s have that will stop the
democrat far left from completely destroying America. You claim to be a Conservative Republican but often support the Democrat’s with the excuse “I wanted to show I can work across the isle” You have been in the Senate since 1985 and you cannot see what the Democrat’s and Biden’s controllers are up to then you should retire or be voted out of office.
This jackass these people are thinking of putting in control of the WHO to destroy America must not be allowed anywhere around the WHO not in control of it !!!!!!!
Senator McConnell I live in Canada my own thoughts on gun control would be that if the person buys any gun or guns at the store it should be up to the store owner and Goverment tomake it law that the person or persons should display two peace’s of identity and if the people or person is not 25years old then it should be called in to police to ask them about this so thay no I think my self that mite put a little more work on the store but it could save a lot of lives people ho are law bidding should keep there guns but should lock them up my home country is Isarel senator Mcconnell please work with the Democrats it can help with my thoughts on gun controlling I lite a candel for all the live we’re lost thankyou I just lost my son from brain cancer I no how hard it is to lose my and my wife’s only son
Just wanted to let you know you’re a traitor, but you knew that already. How far does Xi have his arm up your O-ring making you walk and talk like the puppet you are? Your wife is directly involved with the CCP, you’re just the catalyst. Why else would she have married you? Traitor.
Senator Mitch,
I am an elderly lady who is retired from Nursing. 34 years as a Registered Nurse. I have taken care of many people who have been injured mostly by farm equipment or mobiles. We have rules to follow by using the highways so we need rules to use when using a weapon Namely guns. What the senate has done will not help control killings of innocent people. I am listing what I truly believe will help control the thoughts of those using them. They will have time to know ahead what will happen to them.
1. Anyone who shoots into a crowd and kills another person will automatically get the death sentence. No trials No keeping them in jail where they are taking up space.
2. Anyone that shoots a law officer or into a police station gets death.
3. Anyone that shoots into a church, synogogue or any church service gets death. Again, no trials.
4. There is no way anyone will take our guns from us and they do not need to. We were all raised with guns and were taught to respect them so the parents can get off their bar stool’s and butts and control their children. AR-15’s and any hi caliber automatic does not belong in the hands of a citizen unless he is in the Armed Forces or the Police. My ex husband was a gun dealer and we both learned a lot dealing with arms. We had 3 sons who respected them and two went to the Military (Army and Marine) The one in the Army was on the Night Shooting Team while the Marine was a Sniper in Somalia.
In order to take care of ignorance and get these people off the streets and limit their dealing in death, we have to get serious with them. If you proposed this to the Senate, you would be surprised how many people think the same as I do. I am expecting to hear from you. I have voted for you every time you ran to put you into office, so help us not to be afraid to drive our autos inside the city. I am giving you first to get this out and initiated. If I do not hear from you I will send another one to the senators and to television stations. God bless you.
Jane K Black
I have yet to hear back from you regarding my thoughts on the sentences that need to be carried out on criminals. Since I wrote to you, here in Kentucky alone, we have lost 2 lawmen, 6 were injured in a ambush in Allen, Ky. Looks like to me and I am sure other people would agree, that criminals killing law officers, shooting into churches killing people, killing in crowds and synagogues deserve to die. No trials for them. Lock them up and get old sparky out or the gas chamber or the death of choice. This has to stop.
Jane K Black
YOUR Honesty, M. MC Connell,
last time YOU are so quiet (politically)..I wonder…I ´m German, living in Frankfurt, following news in
US. The reason: What is going on before next election in autumn. I am very, very concerned about
one person in YOUR party…who will/ can stop him ß He is a danger for US and even for the whole
world. This lier, this ignorant, stupid man, with a lot of criminal energy M U S T be stopped.
The best wayis to bring him before the court…Your sincerly and very respectfully
Dr. Claus Zingel