Looking for the best Pat Toomey quotes? You’ve come to the right place.
Senator Patrick Joseph Toomey Jr. is an American businessman and politician. He has been serving as the junior United States Senator from Pennsylvania under the Republican since 2011. He was also a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from 1999 to 2005.
Toomey was born in Providence, Rhode Island, on November 17, 1961. He was an avid member of the Boy Scouts and had attained the rank of Eagle Scout.
He attended high school on scholarship and graduated as valedictorian of his class. He received his B.A. in Government from Harvard College in 1984.
After his B.A., Toomey worked for Chemical Bank, where he dealt with currency swap transactions. He joined Morgan, Grenfell & Co., In 1986. But, Toomey resigned after the Deutsche Bank acquired the firm in 1991.
Subsequently, he opened a restaurant in Allentown with his younger brothers.
Toomey started his political career in 1994. Then, he was elected to Allentown’s Government Study Commission. During his service at the Commission, he drafted regulations on local taxation.
In 1998, Toomey ran for a seat at the U.S. House of Representatives. He was looking to represent Pennsylvania’s 15th District after incumbent Paul McHale’s retirement. Toomey served as a United States Representative for three terms, from 1999 to 2005 but he did not seek a fourth term in compliance with a pledge he had made while running for office in 1998.
In the general election, Toomey defeated Roy Afflerbach with 55% of the votes. He was re-elected in 2000 and 2002. But, he left office after his 2002 tenure ended. He did that to honor his 1998 pledge not to serve more than three terms in the House.
That year, Toomey challenged and tried to unseat incumbent Arlen Specter in the U.S. Senate. But, he lost in the Republican primary. In 2009, Toomey came up to challenge Specter again in the Republican primary.
But, Specter switched to the Democratic party after realizing he might lose the Republican primary to Toomey.
Unfortunately, Specter lost the Democratic primaries to Joe Sestak. Toomey won the Republican nomination and defeated Democrat Sestak in the general election. He then became a representative United States Senator, assumed office in 2011, and was re-elected in 2016.
Toomey’s administration has led the effort to reduce taxes and end wasteful spending. He has worked on financial reforms and budgetary issues.
He has also worked towards a more competitive business tax code in the state. He also advocated for the replacement of graduated taxes with a flat tax based on income levels.
Toomey has also made legislative achievements in the formulation of trade and foreign policies. He requested the preservation of the North American Free Trade Agreement.
You can find out more about the senator here.

Here’s our collection of the Pat Toomey Famous Quotes:
Table of Contents
Pat Toomey Quotes on Politics/Power/Government
If you have a federal government that’s not enforcing the law and does not preserve the integrity of its own borders, then naturally, states are going to take matters into their own hands.
Pat Toomey
The toughest thing to do in politics is to do the right thing when your supporters think the right thing is something else.
Pat Toomey
You can see how dysfunctional this Congress is.
Pat Toomey
I think it’s a fundamental responsibility of the federal government to enforce our nation’s borders.
Pat Toomey
Unless and until they actually manage to repeal the First Amendment itself, we are going to find a way to give voice to the tens of thousands of people who share our views and want to have a voice in the political process.
Pat Toomey
We have consulted with counsel every step of the way and have followed the law and regulations that govern our work.
Pat Toomey
This isn’t the first time an American city has been devastated. We’ve had great disasters, and the federal government didn’t always come in and rebuild these cities. We shouldn’t assume the only way to do this is through Uncle Sam.
Pat Toomey
The F.E.C.’s claims and legal theories are a bizarre interpretation of the club’s mission, the Constitution, the laws adopted by Congress and their own regulations.
Pat Toomey
There’s a rising level of frustration with the disconnect between where the vast majority of conservatives are in this country and how Congress is behaving. There’s going to be a wake-up call sooner or later.
Pat Toomey
The Biden Administration and Democratic leadership were wrong to attempt a total transformation of the relationship between Americans and the federal government. The American people didn’t vote for it. They don’t support it.
Pat Toomey
Pat Toomey Quotes on Tax/Economy/Small Businesses/Cryptocurrency

After 2003, we lowered taxes across the board. And by 2004, revenue to the federal government grew. In the 1980s, Ronald Reagan cut taxes dramatically. And by the end of the decade, revenue coming in the federal government had doubled.
Pat Toomey
I’m the guy who’s started businesses, I’ve been a small business owner. I’ve employed hundreds of Pennsylvanians. I know how to get jobs moving in the private sector, rein in the excesses in Washington, and bring some balance to a town that’s lost all balance.
Pat Toomey
I think it’s the broadest source of dissatisfaction amongst Republicans, out-of-control spending.
Pat Toomey
If you don’t get spending under control, eventually you’re going to have a big tax increase.
Pat Toomey
I tend to look at things from the supply side, looking for ways to make it less expensive to do more production. I think that’s what creates a demand and keeps an economy moving.
Pat Toomey
After almost 50 years in which federal spending averaged about 20 percent of GDP, Joe Sestak and Nancy Pelosi took federal spending to 25 percent. You know, that’s a 25 percent increase in the size of the government overnight. That’s what we – that’s what we’ve got to rein in.
Pat Toomey
There is no member of the House of Representatives more committed to the idea of limited government and economic freedom than John Shadegg.
Pat Toomey
He(Biden) has a record of supporting pro-growth economic policies.
Pat Toomey
Well into the millions of dollars already this year.
Pat Toomey
They’re on their way up, and they’re going to be slow and methodical about recovering the political capital and the ground they will need to advance more of their agenda.
Pat Toomey
I’m glad to see Chairman Powell and the FOMC conclude that the labor market has reached their ‘maximum employment’ goal. But with inflation running rampant and ‘a historically tight labor market,’ the Fed should not continue to hold rates at zero or expand its balance sheet.
Pat Toomey
Cryptocurrencies, digital assets, and their underlying technologies offer tremendous potential benefits.
Pat Toomey
The proposed trillions of dollars in new federal spending and taxes would be bad policy at any time.
Pat Toomey
Making millions of Americans dependent on government and hiding behind budgetary gimmicks while inflation is at a 40-year high would be disastrous.
Pat Toomey
Stablecoins are an exciting new technology that create opportunities for faster payments, expanded access to the payment system, programmability, and more.
Pat Toomey
Pat Toomey Quotes on Health/Healthcare
I’m the guy that has written at great length about exactly how we should profoundly reform Social Security. If I were afraid of going after entitlements, I wouldn’t have done that, I wouldn’t have put Medicaid reform in this budget, I wouldn’t have called for the reductions in spending, which people will scream about, but I think are necessary.
Pat Toomey
The Supreme Court’s decision to block the administration’s private employer testing and vaccine requirement is a welcome enforcement of the constitutional limits of the powers of the executive branch.
Pat Toomey
I continue to believe the vaccine is the best choice for most Americans, and I hope those who are able but have not received a vaccine will do so soon. The Biden Administration lacked the legal authority to coerce vaccination through employers.
Pat Toomey
This unlawful and unconstitutional exercise fueled vaccine skepticism and led to employees leaving the workplace, exacerbating current staffing shortages for businesses.
Pat Toomey
Pat Toomey Quotes on Abortion
As President Reagan put it, “I’ve noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born.” As courts & legislatures continue to consider protections for the lives of the unborn, it’s pivotal we keep fighting for those who cannot.
Pat Toomey
Pat Toomey Quotes on Security
I have nothing but contempt for Gadhafi. I’m not a Gadhafi supporter in any way. However, it’s not clear to me that it’s a vital and compelling national security objective of the United States that we ought to use military force to remove him from power. He’s not the only unpleasant and unsavory dictator in the world.
Pat Toomey
Fed role – legal system, currency & defense, within its means.
Pat Toomey
The Biden Administration must clarify its rhetoric by accelerating lethal assistance to our Ukrainian partners to ensure they’re equipped to fully defend themselves if and when an invasion occurs.
Pat Toomey
Other Pat Toomey Quotes
What they’re talking about doing is the very least we could do. If they can’t even do that, then it’s a very big problem for the party.
Pat Toomey
I think he intends to run for president, … I think Senator McCain cares about the opinions of New Hampshire voters.
Pat Toomey
We’re going to be a part of the biggest upset in Pennsylvania history. I believe all the energy and enthusiasm is on our side of the race.
Pat Toomey
I’ve never gotten the sense from this guy that he would be satisfied with being a caretaker.
Pat Toomey
This is a defining moment. The Republican Party came to power in 1995 by advocating limited government. But in the last four to five years, there has been no evidence that the Republican officials in the federal government have any remaining commitment to this vital principle.
Pat Toomey
I think he intends to run for president… I think Senator McCain cares about the opinions of New Hampshire voters.
Pat Toomey
We need statutory spending limits written into law.
Pat Toomey
The club’s principle purpose is to advocate for and defend pro-growth policies, … We have consulted with counsel every step of the way and have followed the law and regulations that govern our work.
Pat Toomey
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As a reminder, you can contact the senator here.
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