How to Get Kansas Medicaid Benefits | Best Answers

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This article is a collection of the best answers to Kansas Medicaid’s most frequently asked questions.

Medicaid is a government-sponsored healthcare program for low-income families and individuals who fulfill specific income and resource requirements. Only the aged, blind, or disabled can access resources within the defined restrictions.

We have scoured the internet to provide all you need to know about the Kansas Medicaid Benefits.

You will learn everything you need to know about Kansas Medicaid in this article.

What is the Kansas Medicaid Program?

KanCare is the name of Kansas’ Medicaid program. Children, pregnant women, families with young children, the elderly, adults, and kids with disabilities are all covered by KanCare in Kansas.

Who is eligible for the Kansas Medicaid Program?

You must be a Kansas resident and fulfill the following requirements to be eligible for this benefit program:

  • 18 years of age or younger, A significant caregiver for a child or children under 18
  • A citizen or national of the United States, or A foreign national who has obtained lawful entry into the country, and 
  • Uninsured (and ineligible for Medicaid)

You must fall under one of the following thresholds for household income (before taxes) in order to qualify:

Annual Household Income Limits (before taxes)

Household Size*Maximum Income Level (Per Year)

For households with more than eight members, add $11,375 per additional member.

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How do I contact Medicaid in Kansas?

Go to the following website to find out more about Kancare:

Or Contact at 1-800-792-4884

What are the Medicaid plans in Kansas?

There are 3 Medicaid Plans in Kansas:

  1. Aetna Better Health
  2. Sunflower State Health Plan
  3. UnitedHealthcare Community Plan

Three for-profit national health plans that were chosen through a competitive bidding process have contracts with the state under KanCare.

What if a person’s income is too high to qualify for regular Medicaid benefits?

Kansas may give a Medicaid spend-down for elderly, blind, and disabled people who do not satisfy eligibility requirements. 

If you need Medicaid coverage and your income is above the Medicaid income thresholds in your state. To be eligible for Medicaid, you can use this program to deduct a portion of your medical expenses from your income. 

You may qualify for a Medicaid spend-down if your medical costs substantially lower your usable payment.

What is covered by Kansas Medicaid?

Kansas Medicaid covers Physical health services like doctor visits and hospital stays, as are behavioral health services, dental and eye care, prescription drugs, transportation, and nursing home care. 

KanCare includes all services provided under the State’s Home and Community Based Services program.

Can I have both Kansas Medicaid and Medicare?

Medicare and Medicaid are available to those 65 years old or older. If you are younger than 65, you can only receive Medicaid benefits if all other eligibility requirements are met.

Kansas Medicaid Waivers?

KS Autism Waiver (0476.R02.00)

Offers children with autism aged 0 to 5 years respite care, family adjustment counseling, and parent support and training (peer-to-peer) providers.

KS HCBS Brain Injury (4164.R06.00)

For people with brain injuries ages 0-64, this service offers personal care, occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech and language therapy, financial management services, assistive services, behavior therapy, cognitive rehabilitation, enhanced care service. 

Other services include home-delivered meals, medication reminder services, personal emergency response system and installation, and transitional living skills.

KS HCBS Intellectual Disabilities and Developmental Disabilities (I/DD) Waiver (0224.R06.00)

For people with autism, intellectual disabilities, and developmental disabilities, ages five and up, this organization offers day support, overnight respite care, personal care service, residential support, supported employment.

Other services include financial management services, assistive services, enhanced care service, medical alert rental, specialized medical care, and wellness monitoring.

KS Home and Community Based Services for the Frail Elderly (0303.R05.00)

Offers services for people 65 years of age and older, with no upper age limit, including financial management, adult day care, assistive services, comprehensive support, enhanced care service, home telehealth, medication reminder service/installation. 

Other services include nursing evaluation visit, oral health services, personal care services, personal emergency response system, and installation, and wellness monitoring.

KS Physical Disability Waiver (0304.R05.00)

For people with physical disabilities ages 16 to 64, this organization offers personal care, financial management, assistive, enhanced care, home-delivered meals, prescription reminder, and private emergency response system and installations.

KS Serious Emotional Disturbance (SED) Waiver (0320.R04.00)

For people with serious emotional disturbance (SED), aged 4 to 18, this program offers attendant care, independent living/skills building, short-term respite care, parent support and training, professional resource family care, and wraparound facilitation.

KS Technology Assisted Waiver (4165.R06.00)

Ages 0 to 21 are technologically reliant and medically frail with medical respite care, personal care services, financial management services, health maintenance monitoring, home modification, intermittent intense medical care, and specialized medical care.

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Medicaid Eligibility

What is the highest income limit for Kansas Medicaid?

The highest income limit for Kansas Medicaid is approximately $32,752 for an individual. Roughly $44,128 for a family of two (or higher depending on family size).

What documents do I need to apply for Medicaid?

Your Medicaid office can ask you for the following:

  • Proof of birthdate (e.g., birth certificate)
  • A passport, driver’s license, birth certificate, green card, or employment authorization card are examples of documents that can be used as evidence of lawful residence or citizenship in the United States.
  • A record of all income sources, both legal and illegal (e.g., paycheck stubs, retirement benefits, Supplemental Security Income)
  • Proof of sources (e.g., bank or stock statements, life insurance policies, property)
  • Evidence of residence (e.g., rent receipt, landlord statement, deed)
  • Including the Medicare card and any insurance cards (you can also provide a copy of the insurance policy)

What is the best Medicaid in Kansas?

The provider networks are the biggest distinction between the three programs, while each one offers a unique set of “extra” health benefits that can help differentiate them from one another. 

You should confirm that the plan you select is compatible with the doctors you prefer because each works with a different group of providers.

Where do I find the letter showing the reason(s) for denial or discontinuance from Kansas Medicaid?

You can check your Kansas Medicaid health information status by visiting  

Where can I upload the documents for Kansas Medicaid?

  1. Utilize the Apply for KanCare page to download an application.
  2. KanCare Clearinghouse P.O. Box 3599 Topeka, KS 66601 is the address to send any completed forms and copies of the requested information.
  3. Or you can fax them to Topeka Area Residents: 785-431-7194 Toll-Free: 1-800-498-1255
  4. If you have any concerns about the program or the application, you can call and ask to have an application mailed to you as well: TTY: 1-800-792-4292 
  5. Toll Free: 1-800-792-4884 Topeka Area Residents: 785-368-1515

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Sabrina is a former campaign manager who has decided to focus her effort to help people contact senators and get help. She leads our Editorial Team with Ronald and Lawrence to curate content and resources that help us navigate the system.

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