Representative United States Senator Cory Anthony Booker is an American attorney, author, and politician. He has served as a junior United States Senator from New Jersey since 2013. He served as the 38th Senator Mayor of Newark. He also served on the Municipal Council of Newark. He is a member of the Democratic Party.
Former United States Secretary Booker was born in Washington DC on April 27, 1969. He was born to IBM executive parents. But his family relocated to New Jersey, where he attended the Northern Valley Regional High School.
In 1991 he graduated from Stanford University with a B.A. degree in Political Science. He also got a Master’s degree in Sociology the following year. He was featured at the All-Pacific-10 Academic team as a footballer for Stanford. He also ran a student-run crisis hotline while at a tertiary institution.
Former Mayor Booker was awarded a Rhodes Scholarship, and he went to study at Oxford University. There, he earned a Bachelor’s degree in History in 1994. At Oxford University, he was the President of the Oxford University L’Chaim Society. In 1997, he earned his J.D. from Yale Law School.
You can find out more about the senator here
Here’s our collection of the Senator United States Cory Booker Famous Quotes:
Table of Contents
Cory Booker Quotes on Politics/Power/Constitution
This November, with the re-election of President Barack Obama, this generation of Americans will expand upon the hope, the truth and the promise of America.
Cory Booker
The Constitution makes very clear what the obligation of the United States Senate is and what the obligation of the president of the United States is. To allow a Supreme Court position to remain vacant for well over a year cuts against what I think the intentions of the framers are and what the traditions of the Senate and the executive are.
Cory Booker
It’s incredibly flattering to be a U.S. senator, which I want to stay at for a long time.
Cory Booker
The Constitution makes very clear what the obligation of the United States Senate is and what the obligation of the president of the United States is. To allow a Supreme Court position to remain vacant for well over a year cuts against what I think the intentions of the framers are and what the traditions of the Senate and the executive are.
Cory Booker
My grandmother from Iowa, she is dancing in Heaven at the prospect that the next president of the United States is going to be Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Cory Booker
We have a presidential nominee in Hillary Clinton who knows that, in a time of stunningly wide disparities of wealth in our nation, America’s greatness must not be measured by how many millionaires and billionaires we have, but by how few people we have living in poverty.
Cory Booker
I am happy that the urgency to reform our broken criminal justice system has found allies all across the political spectrum.
Cory Booker
When I go about my own politics, I meet Tea Party supporters who I can work with in Congress, that I find common ground with. I find Tea Party supporters who won’t let me get a sentence out without judging me. To say that there is a ‘Tea Party supporter’ is a gross generality.
Cory Booker
Cory Booker Quotes on Tax/Economy/Community/Education

We choose forward. We choose inclusion. We choose to grow together. We choose American economic might and muscle, standing strong on the bedrock of the American ideal: a strong, empowered and ever-growing middle class.
Cory Booker
Stand in a way that you are always empowering people to join in, because the only way to be truly successful is not to succeed as an individual, but to succeed as a part of a community, of a country.
Cory Booker
Our platform emphasizes that a vibrant, free and fair market is essential to economic growth.
Cory Booker
More than anything, we must do better for our children’s education.
Cory Booker
Cory Booker Quotes on State/Minorities/Equality
The richness of America is that we are diverse. We’re not Sweden. We’re not Norway. We are a great American experiment. And as soon as we start trying to forget race or turn our back on race, number one, we don’t confront the real racial realities that still persist.
Cory Booker
Minorities do not believe this country will give them a fair shake.
Cory Booker
I think Newark has been in the crosshairs in every generation of the fight to achieve America. And I think Newark is a city that’s at that crossroads still.
Cory Booker
In America we have a Declaration of Independence, but our history, our advancements, our global strength all point to an American declaration of interdependence.
Cory Booker
I reject the idea that the guy who comes out of Yale and goes to work on the projects in Newark is good, and the guy who goes to work for a white-shoe law firm is bad. We’re all mountain rangers. We all have peaks and valleys.
Cory Booker
I think Newark has been in the crosshairs in every generation of the fight to achieve America. And I think Newark is a city that’s at that crossroads still.
Cory Booker
Our nation was founded with a bunch of founding legislators who joined together to move our country out of the blocks and get us started, and every generation since then has found a way to advance the ball down the field.
Cory Booker
There is too much disagreement for disagreement’s sake. In a time of persistent challenges that still call into question our most sacred aspirations as a country, we cannot afford shallow callous divisiveness in our public debate.
Cory Booker
The change we seek for our nation is not the choice of an individual but must be the calling of a country.
Cory Booker
Cory Booker Quotes on Patriotism/Leadership/History

As a government leader, I’m not going to sit on the sidelines and watch all these other sectors innovate. I’m going to do everything I can as a leader to be in that innovation, to be a provocateur for that innovation.
Cory Booker
Patriotism is a love of country. If you love your country, you should love your countrymen and women. It doesn’t mean you always agree with them or even like them. It is understanding that we have interwoven destiny.
Cory Booker
This is our history – from the Transcontinental Railroad to the Hoover Dam, to the dredging of our ports and building of our most historic bridges – our American ancestors prioritized growth and investment in our nation’s infrastructure.
Cory Booker
When your country is in a costly war, with our soldiers sacrificing abroad and our nation facing a debt crisis at home, being asked to pay your fair share isn’t class warfare – it’s patriotism.
Cory Booker
I don’t want to be a race-transcending leader. I want to be deeply understood as a man, as African- American, as a Christian, all that I am.
Cory Booker
As I review the great history of our nation, community organizers have been at the center of so many of our great social movements.
Cory Booker
Cory Booker Quotes on Society/Health/Trump
Every sector of society looks at digital analytics in a productive way. Limiting my ability to use them is just unacceptable. And by the way, Congress conducts polls using traditional methods. No one is using social media analytics as a substitute for that.
Cory Booker
You should be able to afford health care for your family. You should be able to retire with dignity and respect. And you should be able to give your children the kind of education that allows them to dream even bigger, go even farther and accomplish even more than you could ever imagine.
Cory Booker
The issues we hear Donald Trump talking about are just so contrary to who we are as a people. They are an affront and an insult to our higher angels and our best selves.
Cory Booker
We have Donald Trump standing up as one of the greatest fear-mongers in this nation’s history. He’s trying to make us afraid of each other.
Cory Booker
It’s not hard to imagine Donald Trump leading us into a war just because somebody got under his very thin skin.
Cory Booker
I thought that Donald Trump’s ascendancy would end when he attacked John McCain, saying he’s not a war hero. I found that shocking, for him to say that.
Cory Booker
Other Cory Booker Quotes
In life, you get one choice over and over again. That is to take conditions as they are or take responsibility for changing them.
Cory Booker
There was a small point in my life in law school, right before I moved to Newark, when I didn’t know what I wanted to do, and I felt so lost.
Cory Booker
I’d gladly take a grenade, if it meant saving Newark.
Cory Booker
In college, I was a fiercely committed Democrat – a meeting with Jack Kemp, then Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, challenged my blind partisanship.
Cory Booker
The disgust and latent hostility I felt toward gays were subcategories of hatred, plain and simple.
Cory Booker
Hopelessness is a really toxic and dangerous state.
Cory Booker
Are there any monuments built to demagogues? I just don’t think so.
Cory Booker
I am the descendant of slaves, of people that were born from a slave and a slave master.
Cory Booker
It takes too much energy to hate.
Cory Booker
I am a geek nerd who happened to have a temporary period of jockiness.
Cory Booker
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As a reminder, you can contact the senator here.
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