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Senator Marsha Blackburn is an American politician and businesswoman. He has been serving as a senior US Senator from Tennessee since 2018. She was a member of the State Senate from 1999 to 2003. She was also a member of the United States House of Representatives from 2003 to 2019.Â
Marsha was born in Laurel, Mississippi, on June 6, 1952. She was a beauty pageant winner back at high school. She won a scholarship to Mississippi State University. There, she earned a B.Sc. in Home Economics in 1974. She is a member of the Republican party.
In 1973, Marsha worked as a sales manager for Times Mirror Company. She later worked at Mercantile Stores Inc. from 1975 to 1978. In 1978 she founded a promotion and event management company, Marketing Strategies.
You can find out more about the senator here.

Here’s our collection of the most famous quotes by Marsha Blackburn:
Table of Contents
Marsha Blackburn Quotes on Government/Laws/Politics
We are a nation of laws with respect and recognition of the rule of law. We are not an imperialist government with a monarch abiding by the rule of one man.
Marsha Blackburn
Can any of us even imagine, after Pearl Harbor, President Roosevelt suggesting we negotiate a resolution or that we could simply prosecute those involved? Of course, it is unimaginable. We are right to be in the Middle East, and we are right to treat this as the war it is.
Marsha Blackburn
The American Dream is not being dependent on the federal government for your health care, for your automobile, for your college education, for your student loan on and on and on.
Marsha Blackburn
I support safeguarding users’ personally identifiable information and sensitive data like health or financial records. I also believe the government has a responsibility to punish deceptive and unfair practices that defy reasonable expectations about consumers’ privacy.
Marsha Blackburn
As far as the political landscape in our state, I think that what we continue to see is that Tennessean voters are more independent and more conservative, and they are watching issues very closely; they are watching votes very closely.
Marsha Blackburn
Every new rule, mandate, and regulatory edict is one more obstacle that small business owners, entrepreneurs, and job creators have to swallow.
Marsha Blackburn
Republicans rejected calls for amnesty and we’ve fought efforts to provide illegal aliens with taxpayer funded benefits. The American people are far closer to our Republican approach to border security than they are to Nancy Pelosi’s approach.
Marsha Blackburn
We don’t want the federal government to shut down. It is so inappropriate, and it is not respectful of the people that have sent us here to do our jobs.
Marsha Blackburn
I think people have found it very interesting that those that enforce ObamaCare, those that wrote Obamacare, are not a part of ObamaCare.
Marsha Blackburn
We don’t need unelected federal agency bureaucrats in Washington telling our states what they can and can’t do with respect to protecting their limited taxpayer dollars in private enterprises.
Marsha Blackburn
Republicans are not going to play I-told-you-so, but it is pretty obvious that the tax reductions passed in 2003 helped Americans dig out of a recession and get back to work.
Marsha Blackburn
Government does not have a revenue problem; government has a spending problem. Government does not have a revenue problem; government has a priority problem. It is time that we begin to fine tune our focus and decide what the priority of government ought to be.
Marsha Blackburn
Marsha Blackburn Quotes on Security/Economy
We need to protect the sovereignty of our nation, and we need to protect the security of our people here in the country.
Marsha Blackburn
We in Tennessee know that low taxes, less government, and less spending are the ways to grow our economy.
Marsha Blackburn
Look at what is happening in China and in Russia. They have units that are specifically targeted cyber warfare. They are carrying it out. Our critical infrastructure is attacked thousands of times a day.
Marsha Blackburn
Inserting the FCC into our states’ economic and fiscal affairs sets a dangerous precedent and violates state sovereignty in a manner that warrants deeper examination.
Marsha Blackburn
Yes, what has happened is we have moved from responding to these terrorist attacks as acts of civil disobedience to getting to the point after September 11 that we said, no, this is not just civil disobedience, this is an act of war.
Marsha Blackburn
My hope is that we’re going to be more strategic and focused as we look for a way to address the long-term deficit and debt issues that are affecting this nation.
Marsha Blackburn
We must be certain that we all realize that our enemy is not an enemy that is located in one single place. There are terrorist cells all around the globe.
Marsha Blackburn
We do thank our men and women in uniform. And I thank them. I thank this House today that approved a bill that will allow for a pay raise for our military. We are grateful for that and for the actions of this body.
Marsha Blackburn
This majority is working for America, and one of those ways is we have tremendously low unemployment. This economy has created millions of new jobs, and we are expecting growth this first quarter of somewhere higher than 4 percent.
Marsha Blackburn
Marsha Blackburn Quotes on Equality/Sexism
It is Republicans that have led the fight for women’s equality. Go back through history and look at who was the first woman to ever vote, elected to office, go to Congress.
Marsha Blackburn
Small business owners that are female, that is their number one problem, is access to capital.
Marsha Blackburn
Marsha Blackburn Quotes on Environment/Healthcare
The British health care system is a blueprint for the failure of Obamacare, as it is structured.
Marsha Blackburn
Most website developers say an aggregator website, such as what healthcare.gov is, could be built easily for a half a million dollars. They have spent a half a billion dollars.
Marsha Blackburn
Liberals in Congress have spent the past three decades pandering to environmental extremists. The policies they have put in place are in large part responsible for the energy crunch we are seeing today. We have not built a refinery in this country for 30 years.
Marsha Blackburn
Even the president’s own Science and Technology Office head Mister Holdren says no one single weather event is due specifically to climate change.
Marsha Blackburn
Marsha Blackburn Quotes on Technology
Technology is characterized by constant change, rapid innovation, creative destruction, and revolutionary products.
Marsha Blackburn
Other Marsha Blackburn Quotes
If a natural disaster strikes your community, reach out to your friends, neighbors, and complete strangers. Lend a helping hand.
Marsha Blackburn
We should be careful and deliberate in how we allow public entry into our vibrant communications marketplace… This is an issue that should be left to our states.
Marsha Blackburn
Every town has become a border town and every State has become a border State.
Marsha Blackburn
You do not need 435 people playing commander-in-chief.
Marsha Blackburn
We all learned in kindergarten that the beginning is a very good place to start. As we have this debate on illegal immigration and illegal entry into this country, let’s begin at the very beginning by sealing the borders to this great Nation.
Marsha Blackburn
The American Dream is independence and being able to create that dream for yourself.
Marsha Blackburn
People really are very concerned when they put their head on the pillow at night – they’re concerned that America may cease to be what America has been because we are leveraging the future of our children and our grandchildren.
Marsha Blackburn
In this dangerous world that we live in, where hatred and violence and natural disasters sometimes collide to almost overwhelm us, we each can help in some way.
Marsha Blackburn
Some people like to drive a Ford, not a Ferrari, and some people like to drink out of a red Solo cup, not out of a crystal stem.
Marsha Blackburn
More people are working in jobs that are interactive technology-based or find a basis in intellectual property.
Marsha Blackburn
If you see something suspicious, don’t just walk by. Notify authorities. Get help. You could save innocent lives.
Marsha Blackburn
I work every weekend in my district.
Marsha Blackburn
What I want to do is make certain that no one’s taxes go up. Let’s look at cleaning up the tax code.
Marsha Blackburn
I hope you have enjoyed our collection of some of the best Martha Blackburn Quotes!Â
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As a reminder, you can contact the senator here.
Stay strong!