Christine Elizabeth Smith is a former businesswoman and an American politician. She is currently serving in Minnesota as a Junior U.S. Senator since 2018. She is currently a member of the DFL Minnesota.
Senator Tina Smith was born on March 4th, 1958 in New Mexico. She was raised in Santa Fe. She attended Manderfield and Acequia Elementary. She completed her high school in Northern California.
After high school, she went to Stanford and completed her Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from there. She went to the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College to complete her MBA degree.
After that, Senator Tina Smith moved to Minnesota for a marketing job at General Mills. Later on, she started her marketing firm and she dealt with businesses and non-profit organizations.
You can find out more about the senator here.

Here’s our collection of the best Tina Smith Quotes:
Out of the many Tina Smith quotes, I like this one the most: “In politics and life, timing is everything.”
Table of Contents
Tina Smith Quotes on Politics
Senator Tina Smith talks about Democracy, Senate, and Government in general.
Our democracy depends on a free and independent press. When politicians call reporting they don’t like ‘fake news,’ they undermine trust in our civic organizations for their own political gain.
Tina Smith
Coming to serve in the Senate and also running for the Senate in a short time period is not for the faint of heart. But I am not fainthearted.
Tina Smith
I came to Washington understanding what the Senate is capable of accomplishing and knowing that I’d have myriad opportunities as a senator to get things done.
Tina Smith
The way elections are won in Minnesota is by talking to people and sharing what’s on their minds. It sounds so simple, but it really is the thing that works.
Tina Smith
Nobody has a cakewalk to become governor.
Tina Smith
I don’t shy away from standing up against the president or other people who I think are taking us in the wrong direction.
Tina Smith
In politics and life, timing is everything.
Tina Smith
The Senate has a reputation as quite a collegial place, and I have found that to be true, especially with the women.
Tina Smith
We need to prioritize ending the influence of corporate special interests and secret money on politicians by limiting the amount of money they can spend on political campaigns.
Tina Smith
I’ll never have the seniority of lions of the Senate who’ve been in office for decades. What I do have is a lifetime of experience as a parent and activist, small business owner, and lieutenant governor of Minnesota.
Tina Smith
People are so much more interested in making connections, and finding common ground, and sharing experiences than sometimes their governments are.
Tina Smith
I was appointed to the Senate, and it has been my job to serve in the Senate and then to earn the vote of Minnesotans.
Tina Smith
While there is much I agree with in the Amendment, one component poses an insurmountable problem – the requirement that the new Department of Public Safety report to both the Mayor and the City Council.
Tina Smith
Tina Smith Quotes on Bipartisanship

There is so much talk in Washington right now about bipartisanship, but on issues like this — it takes two to tango.
Tina Smith
You can’t have bipartisanship if you don’t have two parties that are willing to put the national interest above their own party interests.
Tina Smith
Tina Smith Quotes on Health/Healthcare
I believe that my work extending health care to women through Planned Parenthood is something that most people will respect and do respect.
Tina Smith
It’s so important that we figure out a way of moving beyond the stigma that still exists around treatment for mental health.
Tina Smith
I ask myself: What do I need to do to stay healthy? And I do that all the time. And it’s stuff like meditation, making sure I get good exercise, all the things we know.
Tina Smith
Tina Smith Quotes on Women/Rights/Parenthood/Justice

These efforts to defund Planned Parenthood fail because one out of five American women have used Planned Parenthood at one time or another in their life. It’s just a bad idea.
Tina Smith
When the extreme right-wing… charges forward with a defund Planned Parenthood, anti-Planned Parenthood focused message, what happens is that people rally even more around Planned Parenthood.
Tina Smith
When women are empowered to contribute more fully, we all benefit.
Tina Smith
The Senate has a reputation as quite a collegial place, and I have found that to be true, especially with the women.
Tina Smith
Take what women say seriously. That hasn’t always happened in this country.
Tina Smith
I think that women are often underestimated – our suggestions, our advice, our leadership style. I think one of the reasons that that happens is women are much less likely to blow their own horn and brag about everything that they’ve done.
Tina Smith
Do not underestimate me. I believe that as a woman, a progressive, and a Minnesotan, I have a lot to contribute and I am so ready to do that work.
Tina Smith
I don’t have a horror story to share like the ones we have heard from so many women in the MeToo movement… But when you really listen to women, you begin to understand the million little ways in which all women are made less and denied the opportunity to contribute to their communities and their country.
Tina Smith
This is about the fact that law enforcement in America does not deliver equal justice for all.
Tina Smith
We need a new and sustained push for racial justice, not just in law enforcement but in health care, in education, in housing, and in our environmental policy.
Tina Smith
Four hundred years of structural racism cannot be overcome with a single piece of legislation, or even by a single generation of legislators.
Tina Smith Quotes on Health/Healthcare
With mental health, it’s not like there’s a box where you’re healthy and another box where you’ve got a mental illness. You try to stay at the healthy end of the continuum, and watch as you move, and I’ve been able to do that.
Tina Smith
Tina Smith Quotes on Immigration
We need to create a fair immigration process that ensures the wellbeing of all families and prevents the wrong people from coming to this country, that includes reforming ICE and immigration enforcement.
Tina Smith
Other Tina Smith Quotes

What I intend to do is be just a really fierce advocate for Minnesotans here in Washington, D.C.
Tina Smith
I went to college and majored in political science.
Tina Smith
I want to go places where there are really well-meaning people doing work that is interesting and seems to really matter and where everybody looks like at least once a day they have a really good laugh.
Tina Smith
I think there are some people in Washington who are pretty out of step with what people want, certainly what Minnesotans want.
Tina Smith
I want people to know: At every point in my life that I needed help, it was right there.
Tina Smith
Senator Franken was a strong voice for Minnesota and I’m also a strong voice for Minnesota.
Tina Smith
I’m really focused on Minnesota and Minnesotans, and I will come to Washington, D.C., prepared to be a fierce advocate for Minnesotans, especially around economic opportunity and fairness.
Tina Smith
The chance to talk to so many people and understand what they’re thinking about and why it matters is really, really so interesting. When you’re doing that, you have to truly listen to what people are saying. You can’t just pretend to listen.
Tina Smith
When I was a kid, I wanted to be a hairdresser.
Tina Smith
I had always heard that Mitch McConnell was a master legislator and a true loyalist to this institution. But in the 18 months I’ve been in the Senate, what I’ve seen is an astonishingly limited vision for what the Senate can and should accomplish. What a waste.
Tina Smith
I have always been surrounded by strong women and thoughtful men.
Tina Smith
I will be my own kind of senator using my own best judgment and my own experience.
Tina Smith
As chief of staff, I was responsible for running a multibillion-dollar organization with over 34,000 employees, and working on everything from health care to transportation.
Tina Smith
I’ve learned in my life that I have to focus on the things that I can control and what I can control is what comes out of my mouth and how I respond to people.
Tina Smith
Anybody who knows the voters of Minnesota knows that they can’t be told what to do.
Tina Smith
If we want to change the way officers act, we need to change the rules that shield them from accountability.
Tina Smith
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As a reminder, you can contact the senator here.
Stay strong!