Senator Thomas Rolland Tillis is an American politician. He has served as a junior U.S. Senator from North Carolina as a Republican since 2015. He was also a member of the North Carolina House of Reps.
Senator Thom Tillis was born on August 30, 1960, in Jacksonville, Florida.
He was born to Margue and Thomas Raymond Tillis, a boat draftsman. In 1978, Tillis graduated from high school, after which he left home to get a job. He worked at an insurance company to computerize records. He also worked at Wang Laboratories in Boston. He attended Chattanooga State Community College.

In 1996, Senator Thom Tillis graduated from the University of Maryland. There, he earned a Bachelor’s degree in Technology Management. After his graduation, Tillis worked at IBM and PriceWaterhouseCoopers (now PwC).
He has talked on matters of national emergency, homeland Security, and more.
You can find out more about the senator here.

Here’s our collection of the best Thom Tillis Quotes:
Table of Contents
Thom Tillis Quotes on Politics/Public Policies/Laws/Trump
The number-one defender of the Second Amendment rights is the National Rifle Association. The NRA works tirelessly to elect pro-Second Amendment candidates, and it fights fearlessly to win tough public policy battles and preserve those rights.
Thom Tillis
We don’t need something as large and complex and costly as the Affordable Care Act, because it can’t work.
Thom Tillis
I strongly support the construction of the Keystone Pipeline and favor expanding offshore drilling to make our nation less dependent on foreign oil.
Thom Tillis
Republicans do need to communicate that we agree that there are serious health care issues among the American people that we need to solve.
Thom Tillis
Senators should not play politics by threatening filibusters and evaluating Judge Gorsuch based on what his policy preferences are or how he might come down on a specific case that may come before the Court.
Thom Tillis

The main opposition to Judge Gorsuch’s confirmation comes from a handful of Democratic Senators who are using the playbook of far-left special interest groups, the same groups that routinely attack anyone who doesn’t actively promote their agenda.
Thom Tillis
As a freedom-lover and avid outdoorsman, I understand the importance of protecting the Second Amendment, which has been under attack by liberal special interest groups funded by elitist billionaires.
Thom Tillis
We should refuse to settle for a deal that fails to secure the release of American hostages and paves Iran’s path toward realizing its nuclear weapon ambitions.
Thom Tillis
BDS is not a typical act of political correctness, undertaken by radical academics whose usual prey is the youth of America. This is a worldwide movement designed to destroy the one democracy in the Middle East and the hopes of people who have occupied that land for over three thousand years.
Thom Tillis
Standing up for Israel at home validates those fundamental principles of freedom enshrined in our Constitution.
Thom Tillis
When I was speaker in North Carolina, the state was gripped with a deficit, and we made a fundamental policy decision to adopt austerity budgets for four years.
Thom Tillis

Republicans should remember that when Trump campaigned, he wasn’t holding up a conservative manifesto at every rally.
Thom Tillis
The Senate could use more people who had to sweat for a living and fewer of the politicians who made this mess.
Thom Tillis
Democrats misinterpreted the mandate for change in 2008 as an ideological mandate to move the country sharply to the left. They rammed through policies like ObamaCare and Dodd-Frank with little, if any, bipartisan support.
Thom Tillis
I am a U.S. senator from North Carolina. I’m worried about doing the business on the Capitol Hill. I’m not going to get into the parlor games and the political discussions about a separate and co-equal branch.
Thom Tillis
My Democratic colleagues, many of whom hold law degrees, should know better than to intentionally oversimplify court rulings to mislead the public and score political points.
Thom Tillis
In politics, as in physics, every reaction is met with an equal and opposite reaction.
Thom Tillis
I believe that what we should do first and foremost is seal the border. The Republicans and Democrats have both failed on this issue for decades. And one of the reasons why is I don’t think we have stabilized the problem by taking credible steps to seal the border. Then let’s discuss what we do with the population who is illegally present.
Thom Tillis
We don’t classify all doctors as incompetent because of the infrequent instances of medical malpractice. We don’t use the example of one bad teacher in our children’s school to draw a negative conclusion of the entire teaching profession. We should apply that same rational standard when it comes to how we view law enforcement.
Thom Tillis
When officers’ actions violate their duty, justice should be served in accordance with our legal system.
Thom Tillis
As the former state speaker of the North Caroline House of Representatives, I helped push two landmark bills that protected and expanded gun rights for citizens.
Thom Tillis
Law enforcement officers are entrusted with a tremendous responsibility; that is why we hold them to such a high standard. With that said, there are a small number of officers who have not lived up to that standard.
Thom Tillis
To indiscriminately cast all law enforcement as enemies of our communities is to engage in an attempt to divide our nation by turning Americans against each other.
Thom Tillis
We already have two branches of federal government that factor political considerations into their decision-making, and our Founding Fathers determined long ago that we don’t need a third.
Thom Tillis
Thom Tillis Quotes on Economy/Creating Jobs

I want to create an economy where minimum wage is a very brief stepping stone to higher-paying jobs so people can realize their dreams.
Thom Tillis
One of the biggest disagreements between Sen. Hagan and I – I don’t believe we should be building an economy that’s founded on making ends meet on minimum wage. It’s impossible; it’s a stepping stone.
Thom Tillis
Instead of focusing on this sort of defeatist mentality where we’ve gotta up the minimum wage, why don’t we focus on creating better-paying jobs?
Thom Tillis
What I want to do is create jobs that make the minimum wage irrelevant.
Thom Tillis
Thom Tillis Quotes on Healthcare

One of the problems fundamental to health care in the United States is access and cost.
Thom Tillis
Everyone knows that my key drivers to moving health care policies is improving access and reducing costs and improving outcomes.
Thom Tillis
Nothing could be more important for a child affected by Zika virus than to have continuity of care, seamlessly from before birth to after birth.
Thom Tillis
Other Thom Tillis Quotes

I’ve never listed my education degree as why people should vote for me. I think the average person is thinking more about what I’ve accomplished in my professional career and what I’ve accomplished in my career as a legislator.
Thom Tillis
A paperwork error can get you on the fly list. A name similar to someone else can get you on the fly list, so there’s any number of opportunities where mistakes or abuses could probably put somebody in that horrible position of a government agency really clawing back your rights.
Thom Tillis
I want to go to Washington and clean up Kay Hagan’s mess.
Thom Tillis
We need a Congress that understands the sanctity of life, the sanctity of traditional values, the sanctity of traditional marriage.
Thom Tillis
You’re always going to have your detractors.
Thom Tillis
We owe it to the American people to set aside the areas where our ideology may prevent progress and find common ground where there are plenty of opportunities to produce good results.
Thom Tillis
My dad would much rather work a couple jobs than be on government assistance.
Thom Tillis
‘Intensity’ is a good word. It’s like ambition, if it’s not ambition at the expense of someone else.
Thom Tillis
A focus on regulatory overreach, things that the benefit doesn’t outweigh the cost, is probably the single greatest opportunity we have for having a positive impact on job creation.
Thom Tillis
The NRA is a true grass-roots organization, and the collective power of its membership is simply unparalleled.
Thom Tillis
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As a reminder, you can contact the senator here.