Looking for tips to access the New Mexico Unemployment Insurance Benefits?
In this article, we will make Unemployment Insurance Benefits easy to understand with New Mexico Unemployment phone numbers and other contact information.
We understand.
The experience of unemployment is often fraught with anxiety and feelings of worthlessness. Not being able to provide for oneself and one’s family can be very difficult, and the stress of the situation can be overwhelming.
Those who are unemployed may feel like they are a burden to their loved ones, and they may feel like they are not good enough or valuable enough. It is important to remember that you are not alone in this experience, and there are people who care about you and want to help.
You are valuable, even if you are not working at the moment. There are many resources available to you, so please do not hesitate to reach out for help.
Why did we create the New Mexico Unemployment Insurance Benefits Guide?
Government websites can be difficult to navigate for a lot of people. They may be confusing or hard to use, and they may not have all the information people need. This can be frustrating and overwhelming, especially for people who are already struggling.
Having said that, please use our guide as support but NOT the official guide. You will NEED to contact the official unemployment government staff and fight for your own benefits. You can do this.
Who’s in charge of New Mexico Unemployment Insurance Benefits?
New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions is in charge of administering the state’s unemployment insurance program.
Below is what its official website looks like.

How To Qualify for New Mexico Unemployment Benefits
New Mexico requires the following to be true to be considered eligible for UI benefits:
- You must be unemployed through no fault of his or her own, as outlined by New Mexico state law.
- You must be able to work – physically, emotionally, and mentally capable of working during any week for which unemployment benefits are sought. You cannot collect benefits if you are sick, injured, or disabled.
- You must be available to accept suitable work when it is offered – in other words, ready to start a job immediately, with no obstacles to accepting work such as transportation or childcare issues
- You must actively be seeking work – proactively searching for work and trying to find a job.
How Much Unemployment Benefits Will I Get in New Mexico?
Weekly Benefit Amount (WBA)
- The maximum WBA for 2022 will be $514.00, and the minimum WBA will be $96.00. The minimum qualifying wage for 2022 will be $2,332.72.
- Previous years
- The maximum WBA for 2021 was $484.00, and the minimum WBA was $90.00. The minimum qualifying wage for 2021 was $2,186.92.
- The maximum WBA for 2020 was $461.00, and the minimum WBA was $86.00. The minimum qualifying wage for 2020 was $2,089.72.
- The maximum WBA for 2019 was $442.00, and the minimum WBA was $82.00. The minimum qualifying wage for 2019 was $1,992.53.
- The maximum WBA for 2018 was $433.00, and the minimum WBA was $81.00. The minimum qualifying wage for 2018 was $1,968.23.
- The maximum WBA for 2017 was $425.00, and the minimum WBA was $79.00. The minimum qualifying wage for 2017 was $1,919.63.
- The maximum WBA for 2016 was $423.00, and the minimum WBA was $79.00. The minimum qualifying wage for 2016 was $1,919.63.
- The maximum WBA for 2015 was $412.00, and the minimum WBA was $77.00. The minimum qualifying wage for 2015 was $1,871.03.
- The maximum WBA for 2014 was $406.00, and the minimum WBA will be $75.00. The minimum qualifying wage for 2014 was $1,822.43.
How Do I Apply for New Mexico Unemployment Benefits?
UI benefits in New Mexico can be applied for online or by calling 877-664-6984. Agents are available Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. to assist you.
The first time you use the New Mexico jobs website, you will be prompted to create an account. You’ll need a real email address that you can check on a regular basis because subsequent communications will be sent to this address. It will also be used for account management and security.
How do I Manage My New Mexico Unemployment Benefits
You’ll be asked questions regarding your job search activities and your capacity to accept suitable work when it’s provided each week when you make a claim for weekly UI benefits. You can file your weekly claim online or by calling 877-664-6984.
Unless you get an official exception, you must do at least two job searches each week for each week you claim benefits. You must keep a log of all job search activities, and the New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions may request proof of your job search at any time for audit reasons.
How Do I Appeal a New Mexico Unemployment Decision?
If your claim is denied by the New Mexico Department of Workforce Services, you will get a written Notice of Disqualification. This notification will include a Request for Hearing package, which will contain all of the details you’ll need to file an appeal. If you are dissatisfied with the ruling on your original claim, your employer may file an appeal.
You can appeal your claim online using the same New Mexico Workforce Connections account you used to submit your original and weekly claims.
There are 4 rules you should follow when you make an appel:
- Documents must be submitted to the Opposing Party 48 hours in advance.
- Documents must be submitted to the Appeal Tribunal at least 48 hours in advance.
- Documents must be properly marked and labeled.
- Be selective when submitting documents. As a general rule, however, you should only submit documents that are relevant to your case issues being discussed in the appeal hearing. You are permitted to submit as many pages as you need, but usually, you should not need more than 20 pages.
How Do I Report a New Mexico Unemployment Fraud?
If you have information regarding possibly fraudulent UI benefits behavior, please report it online or call the New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions’ UI fraud line at 505-24-FRAUD (505-243-7283)
What if I quit?
In general, you are not eligible if you leave your work freely.
If you quit for “good cause,” though, you may be able to collect. The state unemployment office determines what constitutes good reason, and you can make your case for getting benefits.
You should be entitled to a hearing if your claim is denied so that you can explain your claim. You should contact your local office because regulations and conditions differ from state to state.
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New Mexico Unemployment Phone Number and Office Locations
New Mexico Unemployment Office | New Mexico Unemployment Office Locations | New Mexico Unemployment Phone Number |
New Mexico Unemployment Office – Otero County | 901 Alaska AveAlamogordo, NM 88310 | 575-437-9210 |
New Mexico Unemployment Office – Albuquerque | 501 Mountain Road NEAlbuquerque, NM 87102 | 505-843-1900 |
New Mexico Unemployment Office – Artesia | 704 W MainArtesia, NM 88210 | 575-748-1303 |
New Mexico Unemployment Office – Carlsbad | 323 S HalaguenoCarlsbad, NM 88220 | 575-887-1174 |
New Mexico Unemployment Office – Clovis | 111 N MainClovis, NM 88101 | 575-762-4571 |
Deming Workforce Connection | 322 E Oak StDeming, NM 88030 | 575-546-0192 |
New Mexico Unemployment Office – Espanola | 319 Paseo de Onate StreetEspanola, NM 87532 | 505-753-2285 |
New Mexico Unemployment Office – Farmington | 3401 E. 30th Street,Farmington, NM 87402 | 505-327-6126 |
Gallup Workforce Connection | 2918 E. Highway 66Gallup, NM 87301 | 505-863-8181 |
New Mexico Unemployment Office – Hobbs | 204 West ParkHobbs, NM 88240 | 575-393-5188 |
Las Cruces Workforce Connection | 226 South Alameda Blvd.Las Cruces, NM 88005 | 575-524-6250 |
New Mexico Unemployment Office – Las Vegas | 833 Grand AvenueLas Vegas, NM 87701 | 505-425-6451 |
New Mexico Unemployment Office – Valencia County | 428 Los Lentes Rd. SELos Lunas, NM 87031 | 505-212-9115 |
New Mexico Unemployment Office – Moriarty | 777 Old U.S. Route 66P.O. Box 939Moriarty, NM 87035 | 505-832-6774 |
New Mexico Unemployment Office – Sandoval County | 461 Ridgerock RoadRio Rancho, NM 87124 | 505-771-2160 |
New Mexico Unemployment Office – Roswell | 2110 South Main StreetRoswell, NM 88203 | 575-624-6040 |
New Mexico Unemployment Office – Ruidoso | 709 Mechem DriveRuidoso, NM 88345 | 575-258-1730 |
New Mexico Unemployment Office – Santa Fe | 525 Camino De Los MarquezSte 200Santa Fe, NM 87505 | 505-355-1758 |
Silver City Workforce Connection | 420 West BroadwaySilver City, NM 88061 | 575-538-3737 |
Socorro Workforce Connection | 109 FaulknerSocorro, NM 87801 | 575-835-0067 |
New Mexico Unemployment Office – Taos | 1036 Salazar RoadTaos, NM 87571 | 575-758-4219 |
Truth or Consequences Workforce Connection | 601 Sunset StreetTruth Or Consequences, NM 87901 | 575-894-1263 |
Final Thoughts
We hope the above info has been helpful to you.
We do not make any financial advice but below are some of our thoughts that could help you stand on your feet sooner than later.
- Don’t feel shame about needing help, but also don’t feel entitled.
- Don’t beat yourself up – things happen. The sooner you accept it and move on, the better.
- Don’t burn the bridge. Work with your employer to help yourself.
- 1) Check if you are entitled to severance pay, vacation or sick pay,
- 2) Ask about extending health insurance benefits,
- 3) Ask about outplacement resources,
- 4) Request a reference letter from your employer
- Review your financial positions, obligations.
- Make a weekly or monthly budget. Buy what you need, so you don’t have to sell what you need.
- Watch out for credit card loans – they will eat you alive.
- Make an action plan with at least 3 scenarios from best to worst and examine your options.
Hello Sabrina E.,
I read something that unemployment insurance management is being handled out of state? I also notice that the site does NOT indicate copyright date or dates of information provided: https://www.generalservices.state.nm.us/risk-management/loss-prevention-and-control/insurance-information/unemployment/
Some information should be updated somewhere…
Hi, we appreciate your comments. Not sure if you mean to remind us about the copyright date(s).
We will update this shortly.