Senator Joseph Manchin III (D) is an American politician. He has been serving as a senior United States Senator from West Virginia under the Democrats since 2010. He was the state’s Secretary of State from 2001 to 2005. He also served as West Virginia’s state governor from 2005 to 2010.
Senator Joe Manchin was born in Farmington, West Virginia, on August 24, 1947. He graduated from Farmington High School. He subsequently won a football scholarship and enrolled at West Virginia University in 1965.Â
Unfortunately, a severe training injury cut his football career short. Later, he earned a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration in 1970. After his graduation, he worked at his family’s store and later at a carpet store.
In 1988, Manchin founded Enersystems, a coal brokerage firm.
As the member of the Democratic Party, Manchin previously served as a former Governor of West Virginia. He announced on July 20, 2010 that he will seek the Senate seat. In the general election, he defeated Republican businessman John Raese with 54% of the vote and became a representative United States senator.Â
You can find out more about the senator here.

Here’s our collection of the best Joe Manchin Quotes:
Table of Contents
Joe Manchin Quotes on Politics/Trump/Congress/Republicans
I strongly believe that every American should always be rooting for our president to do well, no matter which political party that he or she might belong to.
Joe Manchin
Whoever is president, my first priority is the same – as always. I look for what’s best for West Virginia and the nation as a whole.
Joe Manchin
We shouldn’t accept mediocrity as the best a politician can do.
Joe Manchin
I just think, you know, when we talk about a politician, I think a person has to be themselves. Let the voters see the real you.
Joe Manchin
We’re still sitting down in Houston. He (Perry) wants us to try to take these people, … Every governor is getting frustrated, We will help if they’ll just let us.
Joe Manchin
I love them all. And I love all the Republicans.
Joe Manchin
Every Member of Congress has a solemn duty to vote for what they believe is best for the country and the American people, not their party.
Joe Manchin
Republicans had long-predicted a bipartisan acquittal, but the last-minute decision by the three robbed Trump of that talking point
Joe Manchin

Joe Manchin Quotes on Equality/Economy
Economic development is what’s going to make mountaintop removal palatable.
Joe Manchin
Our workers comp debt is the Achilles heel of our state’s economy, and I firmly believe that in order to create more good jobs in West Virginia this system must be fixed and it must be fixed now. We cannot afford to wait even one more minute.
Joe Manchin
A child’s geographic location, race or parent’s income level should not predetermine their life’s course and it’s up to us to see that they don’t.
Joe Manchin
We have reduced sales tax on food. Now we want it eliminated.
Joe Manchin
The price of gas at the pump has impacted this nation. It’s killing all of us, … We’re seeing it in the cost of doing business running the state. We’re seeing it in the cost of a family trying to take care of themselves.
Joe Manchin
The people of West Virginia have made it clear that they will no longer tolerate a government that is out of step with the economy of this state.
Joe Manchin
Joe Manchin Quotes on Energy
I am very proud of the critical role West Virginians play in providing energy to our nation.
Joe Manchin
Joe Manchin Quotes on Gun Laws/Safety/Violence
I don’t know anybody that doesn’t own a gun.
Joe Manchin
Why would anybody not own a gun?
Joe Manchin
In West Virginia, the most vulnerable people we have are people who get up every morning and go to work.
Joe Manchin
We have to change the culture of mass violence we have.
Joe Manchin
Every child should have a safe place in their life.
Joe Manchin
Millions and millions of people are proud gun owners, and they do it responsibly and by the law.
Joe Manchin
I don’t know anyone in the hunting or sporting arena that goes out with an assault rifle.
Joe Manchin
 Joe Manchin Quotes on Health/Healthcare
‘Obamacare,’ as it’s been called, is far too reaching. It’s overreaching. It needs to have a lot of it repealed.
Joe Manchin
I believe in health care reform.
Joe Manchin
Joe Manchin Quotes on Rights/Justice/Constitution
I’m a defender of the Second Amendment to the Constitution.
Joe Manchin
There’s a lot of Democrats, myself included, who have supported right-to-life.
Joe Manchin
Other Joe Manchin Quotes
Every child should have a caring adult in their lives. And that’s not always a biological parent or family member. It may be a friend or neighbor. Often times it is a teacher.
Joe Manchin
I think it’s time to rebuild America.
Joe Manchin
I strongly believe the DREAM Act should require the completion of a degree.
Joe Manchin
I fully expect to be able to complete one more campaign goal – and that is to proudly report that signs have been erected as you enter our great state that say ‘Welcome to Wild, Wonderful West Virginia: Open for Business!’
Joe Manchin
Well, you know, first of all, let me just say that I am a proud member of the NRA and have been, and I’m a lifetime member and will always be.
Joe Manchin
My grandmother had a great saying. It always stuck with me: ‘People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.’ They’ve got to see it and feel it. And it’s for real. And that’s all. Be who you are.
Joe Manchin
Wherever there is one job on the verge of being lost, I will fight to save it. Wherever there is one company looking to grow in West Virginia, I will fight to make that growth a reality.
Joe Manchin
I would never abdicate, nor would I expect any other governor to abdicate, the responsibility to protect the people of my state.
Joe Manchin
The work completed during the special session was just the beginning. During those six days we lit a spark that will positively impact the lives of our children and grandchildren, but the full fire is yet to come.
Joe Manchin
Come to West Virginia and we’ll show you how to live… how to treat people. We’re open for business. West Virginia is truly on the move.
Joe Manchin
I know firsthand how agonizing waiting can be.
Joe Manchin
I’m a sportsman. You know, I go out clay shooting and put three shells in.
Joe Manchin
I can assure you that my wife and I – every penny of income we’ve ever had, our taxes were paid in West Virginia.
Joe Manchin
I want each and every West Virginian to have bragging rights. I want to stop playing defense and start playing offense. So, together, let us grab the reins of history.
Joe Manchin
The outlook and future of McDowell County is brighter now than it has been for years, … We have moved mountains in the last nine months, and we are now about to move mountains again. When you look at what is happening in McDowell County, there might be more construction going on in McDowell County right now than anywhere else in the state. Things are happening.
Joe Manchin
I believe that the senior citizens of today have been overlooked as sources of strength, stability and vitality in our communities. And by too often discounting the value of seniors and the wisdom they offer, programs have been developed to assist seniors that do not truly address their very real needs and desires.
Joe Manchin
It is important that all West Virginians exercise patience and calm during the upcoming days, … There is no reason to panic and rush to the pump, as that will only further deplete the state’s supply of fuel. If you don’t need gasoline, don’t purchase it.
Joe Manchin
If money or military might would change that part of the world… we would have done it by now. Enough is enough.
Joe Manchin
I hope you have enjoyed our collection of some of the best Joe Manchin Quotes!Â
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As a reminder, you can contact the senator here.
Stay strong!