Senator Christopher Scott Murphy is an American author, lawyer, and politician. He has served as a junior United States Senator, governor from Connecticut, United States since 2013 under the Democrats.
He was a former United States Senator of the U.S. House of Representatives from Connecticut’s 5th district. He was also a member of both the Connecticut House of Rep and Connecticut’s Senate.
Senator Chris Murphy was born in White Plains, New York, on August 3, 1973. He graduated with a B.A. in history and political science from Williams College in 1996. He also studied at the University of Oxford.Â
Additionally, he got his J.D. degree at the University of Connecticut school of law. In 2013, the University of New Haven awarded him an Honorary Doctor degree in Humane Letters.
He has talked about Islamism, foreign policy, gun laws, and much more while being a representative United States senator.Â
You can find out more about the senator here.

Here’s our collection of the best Chris Murphy Quotes.
Table of Contents
Chris Murphy Quotes on Politics/Trump/Power
American foreign policy needs to be driven by what will get results and what is legal, not by what satisfies our primal instincts of revenge.
Chris Murphy
I get worried when I see groups of senators that don’t include members from the Northeast corridor that really care about making sure that we dramatically change transit times.
Chris Murphy
I think there’s clearly a point coming where we’ve got to put a bill on the floor — I think Senator Schumer’s been clear about that, we’re gon na work this work period and try to come to an agreement, but if we come back in June and we don’t have a bipartisan deal then I think we’ve got to move forward on universal or commercial sales.
Chris Murphy
Realistically, it’s still very much an uphill effort, in part because Republicans are so spooked right now by Donald Trump and his base and the complete irrationality, almost paranoia, of that base when it comes to guns, the slippery slope becomes a cliff. If Donald Trump and his base take one step, it’s like the world ends.
Chris Murphy
In many ways, Chuck Schumer is made for this moment, managing an effective one-seat majority in The Senate is really hard and The Senate requires you to know what every single member of your caucus is thinking on an hour-to-hour basis, because one disgruntled member can potentially upset your agenda.
Chris Murphy
I wouldn’t expect that the Biden administration is going to put a lot of work into this issue early in 2021, but as the state laws start to come online this summer, it will command more attention.
Chris Murphy
A general at DoD was especially worrying under Trump, Trump had zero foreign policy experience, a penchant to glorify violence, a total neophyte Secretary of State, and an unstable, war mongering former general as NSA.
Chris Murphy
Without Donald Trump on the ballot, I don’t know( if) Donald Trump on the ballot’s going to give one crap about helping turnout Donald Trump on the ballot base in Georgia, donald Trump could be doing some just batshit crazy things on or around January 5 that could mobilize the same constituency that came out for Joe Biden on Tuesday.
Chris Murphy
It was disturbing to see Mark Meadows doing that briefing, having been in close contact with the President, and not wearing a mask. Mark Meadows says Mark Meadows had tested negative, but often, those positive results don’t show up for several days, so it just doesn’t appear to me that the White House has gotten the message.
Chris Murphy
I am convinced that the Russians are prepared to do anything and everything in order to get this president reelected, and knowing that Chris Murphy is going to be sidelined from at least normal campaigning over the next two weeks, it may mean that that’s massive multi-layered octopus-like Russian interference operation is going to ramp up, and I think we all need to be cognizant of that and we all need to be taking steps to try to make the American people understand what is real information from that being proffered by countries like Russia.
Chris Murphy
This vendor we use in the Senate has been a problem to deal with, they often play games. They often try to use threats of layoffs in order to get more money out of the Architect of the Capitol. So I think it might be time to find a vendor that’s not going to use the threats of layoffs as a cajole to try to get more money.
Chris Murphy
He has essentially ceded the Middle East to Russian interests. He has accomplished more in the undermining of NATO than Russia has in the last 20 years, and he continues to effectively deny that they have an ongoing political operation here in the United States that, by and large, is intended to support President Donald Trump and President Donald Trump allies.
Chris Murphy
Here’s the problem – under both Obama and Trump, American military forces and assistance have provided just enough support to anti-Assad forces to keep the resistance going, but never enough help to actually dislodge Assad from power.
Chris Murphy
Unfortunately, the state of national security under the Trump administration is far from strong.
Chris Murphy
American values come by helping countries fight corruption to build stability. American values flow through tackling climate change and building energy independence. American values come through humanitarian assistance whereby we try to stop catastrophes from happening.
Chris Murphy
I think Democrats have coalesced around the idea that if you’re going to spend time debating the issue of college athletics, you shouldn’t be limited to talking only about endorsement rights, my sense is that if the NCAA wants Congress to solve this issue of NIL, they’re going to have to come to the table on a lot of other things as well.
Chris Murphy
He(David Chipman) still needs to answer some questions and concerns, but I am confident he is going to have 50 votes on the floor. This is a mainstream nominee, someone who knows the ATF backwards and forward. It would be a gift to the gun lobby if somebody with that kind of qualification wasn’t supported by the Democratic caucus.
Chris Murphy
We need to put Republicans on record, we may not have another chance to offer amendments to get witnesses and documents before the Senate.
Chris Murphy

Chris Murphy Quotes Quotes on Security/foreign policy/terrorism
American foreign policy needs to be driven by what will get results and what is legal, not by what satisfies our primal instincts of revenge.
Chris Murphy
The list of erratic actions from Mohammed bin Salman is long: the jailing of royal family members, the detention of the Lebanese prime minister, a nonsensical feud with Qatar, the growing internal repression of political speech, and the disastrous war in Yemen.
Chris Murphy
I ran in 2006 as an opponent of the Iraq War, and I came to Congress to change over reliance on U.S. military power.
Chris Murphy
The world is a mess, and while there is no simple pill America can administer to fix things, what we know is that there is significant room for progressives to articulate a foreign policy vision that is truly our own.
Chris Murphy
Terrorist groups are working and communicating across E.U. borders – our efforts to track those groups must do so as well.
Chris Murphy
The United States has the best intelligence-gathering operation in the world. We should provide a greater level of training and assistance to the E.U. to help them develop a more robust counter-terrorism platform.
Chris Murphy
I’ve never met a Democrat in Congress who wants open borders or who doesn’t believe in enforcing immigration laws.
Chris Murphy
The European Union needs a comprehensive, continent-wise, transnational counter-terrorism center that has the authority to track threats across borders.
Chris Murphy
My concern is that the pace of activity directed at U.S. forces and the repeated retaliatory strikes against Iranian proxy forces are starting to look like what would qualify as a pattern of hostilities under the War Powers Act, both the Constitution and the War Powers Act require the president to come to Congress for a war declaration under these circumstances.
Chris Murphy
The Taliban has lots of reasons to honor their agreement with the United States and keep AlQaeda at bay. And our mission now is to put ourselves in a position where we can monitor and verify that commitment.
Chris Murphy
The feeling is it might be a little bit easier for Republicans to support because it’s a real defined universe, so we’re not there yet.
Chris Murphy
This is an extraordinary moment. We’re seeing our country turn into a banana republic. Republicans better be careful what they wish for because a Democratic president could use the same tools President Donald Trump is to turn the White House into one big extension of his reelection campaign, if that’s the direction they take, attacking the whistleblower, trying to cover up this corruption, it’s a really, really said day for the country.
Chris Murphy

Chris Murphy Quotes Quotes Health
We don’t have the luxury of waiting and rebuilding our global public health infrastructure after this crisis is over, the next pandemic may be on top of us this winter.
Chris Murphy
Chris Murphy Quotes Quotes on FED
8It definitively points towards investors being more comfortable with the Fed, the Fed has done a really good job telegraphing all their moves, making everyone comfortable with what’s going to happen.
Chris Murphy
Chris Murphy Quotes Quotes on Gun Laws
There are numerous groups across the country, both local and national, that are working to prevent gun violence in our communities.
Chris Murphy
If you want to change our gun laws, the best thing you can do is find a group that speaks to you and get involved.
Chris Murphy
This is complex, even though it doesn’t look like a complex law. It is because when you’re trying to expand background checks you don’t have a lot of good data. You don’t know anything about the sales you don’t know about. So all these sales that are happening online, at gun shows, without background checks it’s hard to draw a law and know how far into that dark universe you’re going to get.
Chris Murphy
I think there’s clearly a point coming where we’ve got to put a bill on the floor — I think Senator Schumer’s been clear about that, we’re gonna work this work period and try to come to an agreement, but if we come back in June and we don’t have a bipartisan deal then I think we’ve got to move forward on universal or commercial sales.
Chris Murphy
The NRA, a get rich quick scheme for The NRA executives that pushed positions wildly out of step with gun owners, is collapsing, just as Congress readies to vote on a comprehensive background checks proposal with 90 % public support, the NRA’s happening.
Chris Murphy
The NRA, a get rich quick scheme for The NRA executives that pushed positions wildly out of step with gun owners, is collapsing, just as Congress readies to vote on a comprehensive background checks proposal with 90 % public support, the NRA’s happening.
Chris Murphy
It’s time for Republicans and President Trump to decide whose side they’re on, are they going to stand with the 90 percent of Americans who want universal background checks, or are they going to once again kowtow to the desires of the gun lobby?
Chris Murphy
Chris Murphy Quotes Quotes on Islam
From the outside, Qatar and U.A.E. likely look like twins – small, oil-rich Sunni monarchies that are largely friendly to the U.S. But their philosophies on the region are very different – Qatar does not fear Islamism as does the U.A.E.
Chris Murphy
America doesn’t have the moral authority or weight to tip the scales in this fight between moderate Islam and less tolerant Islam. Muslim communities and Muslim nations need to be leading edge of this fight.
Chris Murphy
I hope you have enjoyed our collection of some of the best Chris Murphy Quotes!Â
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As a reminder, you can contact the senator here.
Stay strong!